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[resolvido]modulo last events
- reggae04
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15 anos 7 meses atrás #5626
por reggae04
reggae04 created the topic: [resolvido]modulo last events
Esotu usando o modulo last events do compoenete jcalpro, mais estou querendo mudar algo nele:
Ele mostra os ultimos eventos assim
Queria que mostrasse assim:
Mod esta aqui: http://dev.anything-digital.com/Downloa ... egory.html
nome: Latest Events Plugin 1.5 for Joomla! 1.5
Seria possivel?
Ele mostra os ultimos eventos assim
Queria que mostrasse assim:
evento evento evento evento evento
Mod esta aqui: http://dev.anything-digital.com/Downloa ... egory.html
nome: Latest Events Plugin 1.5 for Joomla! 1.5
Seria possivel?
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- Walkus
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15 anos 7 meses atrás #5673
por Walkus
[color=#FF0000:1fjd1yw0][b:1fjd1yw0]>>> NÃO RESPONDO[/b:1fjd1yw0] dúvidas por MSN/MP/E-mail, somente em casos de extrema URGÊNCIA <<<[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#008000:1fjd1yw0] ####[/color:1fjd1yw0] Obrigado
[color=#0000BF:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#8000FF:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FF00FF:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FF4040:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFBF00:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFFF00:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#BFFF80:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#8080FF:1fjd1yw0][b:1fjd1yw0]www.[/b:1fjd1yw0][/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FF0000:1fjd1yw0][b:1fjd1yw0]wa[/b:1fjd1yw0][/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#000000:1fjd1yw0]master[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#8080FF:1fjd1yw0][b:1fjd1yw0].com.br[/b:1fjd1yw0][/color:1fjd1yw0] [color=#FFFFBF:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFFF80:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFFF40:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFFF00:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#008000:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0]
Walkus replied the topic: Re: modulo last events
Você deu uma olhada para ver se tem opção de apresentação horizontal???
Se não tiver essa opção na configuração terá que fazer alteração no script do componente <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt="" title="Muito Feliz" /><!-- s:D -->
Abç e Sucesso.
Você deu uma olhada para ver se tem opção de apresentação horizontal???
Se não tiver essa opção na configuração terá que fazer alteração no script do componente <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt="" title="Muito Feliz" /><!-- s:D -->
Abç e Sucesso.
[color=#FF0000:1fjd1yw0][b:1fjd1yw0]>>> NÃO RESPONDO[/b:1fjd1yw0] dúvidas por MSN/MP/E-mail, somente em casos de extrema URGÊNCIA <<<[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#008000:1fjd1yw0] ####[/color:1fjd1yw0] Obrigado
[color=#0000BF:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#8000FF:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FF00FF:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FF4040:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFBF00:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFFF00:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#BFFF80:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#8080FF:1fjd1yw0][b:1fjd1yw0]www.[/b:1fjd1yw0][/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FF0000:1fjd1yw0][b:1fjd1yw0]wa[/b:1fjd1yw0][/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#000000:1fjd1yw0]master[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#8080FF:1fjd1yw0][b:1fjd1yw0].com.br[/b:1fjd1yw0][/color:1fjd1yw0] [color=#FFFFBF:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFFF80:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFFF40:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#FFFF00:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0][color=#008000:1fjd1yw0]##[/color:1fjd1yw0]
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- reggae04
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- JCB! Senior
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15 anos 7 meses atrás #5691
por reggae04
reggae04 replied the topic: Re: modulo last events
Entao Walkus obrigado por responder, existem essas opções:Pelo que entendi essas opções nao mudam esse modo de exibir o modulo...
Poderia me ajudar a modificar o script por favor?
Esse é o arquivo php
Esse é o arquivo xml
Na verdade eu queria um outro esquema que seria muito melhor que esse mais nao sei programar entao acho que esse é mais facil de fazer...Eu queria que ele mostrasse em flash os ultimos 5 eventos mais como disse dificulta muito mais se fosse em flash ele nao teria de ocupar um espaço grande apenas um quadrado rodando as ultimas ao inves de mostrar todas de uma vez, alias nao sei como alguem nao pensou nisso antes rss
Sufixo de Classe do Módulo
Number of Upcoming Events to List
Number of Recent Events to List
Calendars to display
Maximum Displayed Length of Event Title
Show Event Times? Sim Não Start Times Only
Show Calendar Name? Sim Não
Show Category Name? Sim Não
Show Event Dates? Sim Não
Show Event Description? Sim Não
Show Contact Information? Sim Não
Max Displayed Length of Event Description
Strip BBCode From Description? Sim Não Defer to JCal Pro Settings
Show Recurring Events? Sim Não Next Instance Only Defer to JCal Pro Settings
Show private events?
Output Type List Table
HTML code to separate events
Show Month Separators? Sim Não
CSS Style for Month Separator background-color: transparent; border-top-color: #777777; border-bottom-color: #777777; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; margin: 4px; text-align: center;
Text if No Upcoming Events Found There are no upcoming events currently scheduled.
Title for 'Recent Events'
CSS Style for 'Recent Events' Separator font-size: 130%; font-weight: bold; background-color: transparent; border-top-color: #333333; border-bottom-color: #333333; border-top-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; margin: 10px; text-align: center;
Show 'View Full Calendar' Link? Sim Não
'View Full Calendar' link text
Show 'Add New Event' Link? Sim Não
'Add New Event' link text
12 or 24-hour Time Display 12-hour 24-hour
Days view Date String Days
Date Format
Specific Itemid for displaying the module
Poderia me ajudar a modificar o script por favor?
Esse é o arquivo php
JCal Pro Latest Events Plugin v1.5.0
Copyright (c) 2007 Anything-Digital.com
JCal Pro is a fork of the existing Extcalendar component for Joomla!
(com_extcal_0_9_2_RC4.zip from mamboguru.com).
Extcal (http://sourceforge.net/projects/extcal) was renamed
and adapted to become a Mambo/Joomla! component by
Matthew Friedman, and further modified by David McKinnis
(mamboguru.com) to repair some security holes.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This header must not be removed. Additional contributions/changes
may be added to this header as long as no information is deleted.
* Latest Events Plugin
* $Id: bot_jcalpro_latest_events.php 120 2009-03-31 21:35:07Z shumisha $
* Plugin for displaying upcoming events in connection with the JCal Pro
* component. The component must be installed before this module will work.
* There are some options for this plugin, which can be set in the
* "Parameters" section of the plugin in Administration.
* Once installed and published, include the following text in a
* content item:
* {jcal_latest}X{/jcal_latest}
* Where "X" is the event category or categories you want displayed in the
* content item. Use "0" or blank for events from all categories, "1" for
* events from category 1, "1,2" for events from category 1 and 2, etc.
Get the latest version of JCal Pro at:
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
$mainframe->registerEvent( 'onPrepareContent', 'plgJCalLatest' );
function plgJCalLatest( &$rowContent, &$params, $page=0 ) {
// save content item params
$contentParams = $params;
// get plugin params
$plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'bot_jcalpro_latest_events');
$params = new JParameter($plugin->params);
// Get Plugin info
if (preg_match_all("#{jcal_latest}([\d,?]*){/jcal_latest}#s", $rowContent->text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) > 0) {
$html = '';
if( is_readable(JPATH_ROOT. DS. 'components'.DS.'com_jcalpro'.DS.'include'.DS.'latest.inc.php') ) {
include( JPATH_ROOT. DS. 'components'.DS.'com_jcalpro'.DS.'include'.DS.'latest.inc.php' );
$html = ob_get_contents();
$rowContent->text = preg_replace( "#{jcal_latest}".$matches[1][0]."{/jcal_latest}#s", $html , $rowContent->text );
//restore content item params
$params = $contentParams;
Esse é o arquivo xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <install version="1.5" type="plugin" group="content">
<name>JCalPro Latest Events plugin</name>
<author>Anything Digital</author>
<copyright>2008 Anything Digital</copyright>
<license>http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL</license>
<version>1.5.19 (build_466)</version>
- <description>
- <![CDATA[ The JCal Pro Latest Events plugin places the upcoming events in a content item. Output options may be configured similar to the Latest Events module. <P>Following installation, publish the plugin and change any parameters as required. To place the output in a content item, put the following markup in the appropriate place in your content item:<P>{jcal_latest}X{/jcal_latest}</description><P>X = the event category or comma-separated categories you want displayed in the content item. Use "0" or blank for events from all categories.<P> The core component and the latest events module (published or unpublished) are required forthe proper operation of this plugin.
- <files>
<filename plugin="bot_jcalpro_latest_events">bot_jcalpro_latest_events.php</filename>
- <params>
<param name="number_of_events_to_list_upcoming" type="text" default="5" label="Number of Upcoming Events to List" description="This just says how many upcoming events to list in the module." />
<param name="number_of_events_to_list_recent" type="text" default="0" label="Number of Recent Events to List" description="If set to zero, it will ONLY show upcoming events. Otherwise the module will show this many past events under a separate heading." />
<param name="title_max_length" type="text" default="256" label="Maximum Displayed Length of Event Title" description="Enter a number. Any event listed with a title longer than that number will be shortened and a \'...\' appended." />
- <param name="show_dates" type="radio" default="1" label="Show Event Dates?" description="If 'no' then the event date will not be displayed.">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
- <param name="show_times" type="radio" default="1" label="Show Event Times?" description="If \'no\' then only the date will appear, not the times.">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
<option value="3">Start Times Only</option>
- <param name="show_category" type="radio" default="1" label="Show Category Name?" description="If \'yes\' then the category name appears in parentheses.">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
- <param name="show_description" type="radio" default="1" label="Show Event Description?" description="If \'yes\' then the description will appear.">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
<param name="description_max_length" type="text" default="256" label="Max Displayed Length of Event Description" description="Enter a number. Any event listed with a description longer than that number will be shortened and a \'...\' appended." />
- <param name="strip_bbcode_from_description" type="radio" default="3" label="Strip BBCode From Description?" description="If \'yes\' then any BBCode tags, like bold and italic, will be stripped out in the module. If \'Defer\' is picked, it will use the JCal Pro component settings for \'Allow HTML in event descriptions\'">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
<option value="3">Defer to JCal Pro Settings</option>
- <param name="show_contact" type="radio" default="1" label="Show Contact Information?" description="If 'yes' then the contact info will appear.">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
- <param name="show_recurrent_events" type="radio" default="3" label="Show Recurring Events?" description="If \'yes\' then recurring events will each be listed separately. If \'Defer\' is picked, it will use the JCal Pro component settings for \'Show recurrent events.\'">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
<option value="2">First Instance Only</option>
<option value="3">Defer to JCal Pro Settings</option>
- <param name="output" type="radio" default="1" label="Output Type" description="The type of HTML output">
<option value="2">List</option>
<option value="1">Table</option>
<param label="HTML code to separate events" description="If you have 'Number of Recent Events to List' set to anything other than zero, this is what the heading will be for Recent Events." name="event_separator" default="<br />" type="text" />
- <param name="show_month_separators" type="radio" default="0" label="Show Month Separators?" description="If \'yes\' then events will be grouped by month, with a label.">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
<param name="month_separator_style" type="textarea" cols="30" rows="5" label="CSS Style for Month Separator" description="List any CSS style properties, separated by semicolons, that will apply to the month separator if you selected \'yes\' above." default="background-color: none; border-top-color: #777777; border-bottom-color: #777777; border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; margin: 4px; text-align: center" />
<param name="no_upcoming_events_text" type="textarea" cols="30" rows="3" label="Text if No Upcoming Events Found" description="If you selected \'yes\' above for \'Display Module if No Events Exist?\', this is the text that will be displayed when no upcoming events are found. HTML is permitted." default="There are no upcoming events currently scheduled." />
<param name="recent_events_text" type="text" default="Recent Events" label="If you have 'Number of Recent Events to List' set to anything other than zero, this is what the heading will be for Recent Events." />
<param name="recent_events_style" type="textarea" cols="30" rows="5" label="CSS Style for 'Recent Events' Separator" description="List any CSS style properties, separated by semicolons, that will apply to the heading for \'Recent Events\' above." default="font-size: 130%; font-weight: bold; background-color: none; border-top-color: #333333; border-bottom-color: #333333; border-top-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; margin: 10px; text-align: center" />
- <param name="show_full_calendar_link" type="radio" default="1" label="Show 'View Full Calendar' Link?" description="If \'yes\' then a link appears taking you to the full calendar component.">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
<param name="full_calendar_link_text" type="text" default="View Full Calendar" label="'View Full Calendar' link text" description="Whatever you want the link to say instead of \'View Full Calendar\'" />
- <param name="show_add_event_link" type="radio" default="1" label="Show 'Add New Event' Link?" description="If \'yes\' then a small link appears below the events list to add a new event.">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
<param name="add_event_text" type="text" default="Add New Event" label="'Add New Event' link text" description="Whatever you want the link to say instead of \'Add New Event\'" />
- <param name="use_extcal_locale_settings" type="radio" default="0" label="Use JCal Pro Locale Setting?" description="\'No\' should probably be fine. But if your months and days are in the wrong language, try \'yes\'--but first make sure the locale code is correct in your Site Configuration!">
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
- <param name="time_format_12_or_24" type="radio" default="1" label="12 or 24-hour Time Display" description="Tells module whether to use 12-hour or 24-hour time.">
<option value="1">12-hour</option>
<option value="0">24-hour</option>
- <param name="days_view" type="radio" default="0" label="Days view" description="Tells module whether to use date string or x days.">
<option value="0">Date String</option>
<option value="1">Days</option>
- <files>
<filename plugin="plugin_jcalpro_latest">plugin_jcalpro_latest.php</filename>
Na verdade eu queria um outro esquema que seria muito melhor que esse mais nao sei programar entao acho que esse é mais facil de fazer...Eu queria que ele mostrasse em flash os ultimos 5 eventos mais como disse dificulta muito mais se fosse em flash ele nao teria de ocupar um espaço grande apenas um quadrado rodando as ultimas ao inves de mostrar todas de uma vez, alias nao sei como alguem nao pensou nisso antes rss
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- reggae04
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- reggae04
- Autor do Tópico
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- JCB! Senior
- Postagens: 117
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