Colocar parâmetros no meio do Artigo

  • mcostalopes
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11 anos 9 meses atrás #76044 por mcostalopes
mcostalopes created the topic: Colocar parâmetros no meio do Artigo
Olá pessoal, vou tentar ser claro na minha solicitação de ajuda.

Estou querendo colocar no meio dos meus artigos os parâmetros que estão na lateral. Melhor explicar com um exemplo.

Texto do artigo

Na data de hoje {parâmetro: data da ciração do artigo} foi enviando pelo {parâmetro: no do autor do artigo} com o título {parâmetro: título do link} ......

Alguem conhece algum plugin, modulo ou componente que faça isso?

Vlw galera.

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11 anos 9 meses atrás #76062 por masinfox
masinfox replied the topic: Re: Colocar parâmetros no meio do Artigo
vc pode alterar isso no template do componente joomla


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  • mcostalopes
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  • JCB! Estagiário
11 anos 9 meses atrás #76070 por mcostalopes
mcostalopes replied the topic: Re: Colocar parâmetros no meio do Artigo
Olá, poderia me dar uma dica ou um exempplo de como faço isso?

Desde já agradeço.

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11 anos 9 meses atrás #76077 por masinfox
masinfox replied the topic: Re: Colocar parâmetros no meio do Artigo
pode fazer assim:

localiza a pasta html no seu template, deve estar em public_html/templates/seutemplate/html
caso não exista a pasta, então vai precisar criar.

dentro do diretório html crie outra pasta chamada com_content e dentro desta pasta crie mais uma pasta chamada article , tudo deve ficar assim:


agora dentro da pasta article vc vai criar o arquivo chamado default.php com este conteudo:
 * @package		Joomla.Site
 * @subpackage	Templates.beez5
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

// No direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$templateparams = $app->getTemplate(true)->params;
$images = json_decode($this->item->images);
$urls = json_decode($this->item->urls);
JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers');

// Create shortcut to parameters.
$params = $this->item->params;

if ($templateparams->get('html5') != 1) :
	require JPATH_BASE.'/components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/default.php';
	//evtl. ersetzen durch JPATH_COMPONENT.'/views/...'

else :
	JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers');
<article class="item-page<?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx?>">
<?php if ($this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1)) : ?>

<?php if ($this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1) and $params->get('show_title')) :?>
<?php endif; ?>
	<?php echo $this->escape($this->params->get('page_heading')); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
if (!empty($this->item->pagination) && $this->item->pagination && !$this->item->paginationposition && $this->item->paginationrelative)
 echo $this->item->pagination;
<?php if ($params->get('show_title')) : ?>
			<?php echo $this->escape($this->item->title); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1) and $params->get('show_title')) :?>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if ($params->get('access-edit') ||  $params->get('show_print_icon') || $params->get('show_email_icon')) : ?>
		<ul class="actions">
		<?php if (!$this->print) : ?>
				<?php if ($params->get('show_print_icon')) : ?>
				<li class="print-icon">
						<?php echo JHtml::_('icon.print_popup',  $this->item, $params); ?>
				<?php endif; ?>

				<?php if ($params->get('show_email_icon')) : ?>
				<li class="email-icon">
						<?php echo JHtml::_('',  $this->item, $params); ?>
				<?php endif; ?>
				<?php if ($this->user->authorise('core.edit', 'com_content.article.'.$this->item->id)) : ?>
						<li class="edit-icon">
							<?php echo JHtml::_('icon.edit', $this->item, $params); ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
		<?php else : ?>
						<?php echo JHtml::_('icon.print_screen',  $this->item, $params); ?>
		<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

	<?php  if (!$params->get('show_intro')) :
		echo $this->item->event->afterDisplayTitle;
	endif; ?>

	<?php echo $this->item->event->beforeDisplayContent; ?>

<?php $useDefList = (($params->get('show_author')) or ($params->get('show_category')) or ($params->get('show_parent_category'))
	or ($params->get('show_create_date')) or ($params->get('show_modify_date')) or ($params->get('show_publish_date'))
	or ($params->get('show_hits'))); ?>

<?php if ($useDefList) : ?>
 <dl class="article-info">
 <dt class="article-info-term"><?php  echo JText::_('COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_INFO'); ?></dt>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($params->get('show_parent_category') && $this->item->parent_slug != '1:root') : ?>
		<dd class="parent-category-name">
			<?php 	$title = $this->escape($this->item->parent_title);
					$url = '<a href="'.JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($this->item->parent_slug)).'">'.$title.'</a>';?>
			<?php if ($params->get('link_parent_category') and $this->item->parent_slug) : ?>
				<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_PARENT', $url); ?>
				<?php else : ?>
				<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_PARENT', $title); ?>
			<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($params->get('show_category')) : ?>
		<dd class="category-name">
			<?php 	$title = $this->escape($this->item->category_title);
					$url = '<a href="'.JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($this->item->catslug)).'">'.$title.'</a>';?>
			<?php if ($params->get('link_category') and $this->item->catslug) : ?>
				<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_CATEGORY', $url); ?>
				<?php else : ?>
				<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_CATEGORY', $title); ?>
			<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($params->get('show_create_date')) : ?>
		<dd class="create">
		<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_CREATED_DATE_ON', JHtml::_('date', $this->item->created, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2'))); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($params->get('show_modify_date')) : ?>
		<dd class="modified">
		<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_LAST_UPDATED', JHtml::_('date', $this->item->modified, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2'))); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($params->get('show_publish_date')) : ?>
		<dd class="published">
		<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_PUBLISHED_DATE_ON', JHtml::_('date', $this->item->publish_up, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2'))); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($params->get('show_author') && !empty($this->item->author )) : ?>
	<dd class="createdby">
		<?php $author =  $this->item->author; ?>
		<?php $author = ($this->item->created_by_alias ? $this->item->created_by_alias : $author);?>

			<?php if (!empty($this->item->contactid ) &&  $params->get('link_author') == true):?>
				<?php 	echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_WRITTEN_BY' ,
				 JHtml::_('link', JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id='.$this->item->contactid), $author)); ?>

			<?php else :?>
				<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_WRITTEN_BY', $author); ?>
			<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($params->get('show_hits')) : ?>
		<dd class="hits">
		<?php echo JText::sprintf('COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_HITS', $this->item->hits); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($useDefList) : ?>
<?php endif; ?>

	<?php if (isset ($this->item->toc)) : ?>
		<?php echo $this->item->toc; ?>
	<?php endif; ?>

<?php if (isset($urls) AND ((!empty($urls->urls_position) AND ($urls->urls_position=='0')) OR  ($params->get('urls_position')=='0' AND empty($urls->urls_position) ))
		OR (empty($urls->urls_position) AND (!$params->get('urls_position')))): ?>

	<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('links'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
	<?php  if (isset($images->image_fulltext) and !empty($images->image_fulltext)) : ?>
	<?php $imgfloat = (empty($images->float_fulltext)) ? $params->get('float_fulltext') : $images->float_fulltext; ?>

	<div class="img-fulltext-"<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imgfloat); ?>">
		<?php if ($images->image_fulltext_caption):
			echo 'class="caption"'.' title="' .htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext_caption) .'"';
		endif; ?>
		src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext); ?>" alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_fulltext_alt); ?>"/>
	<?php endif; ?>
if (!empty($this->item->pagination) AND $this->item->pagination AND !$this->item->paginationposition AND !$this->item->paginationrelative):
	echo $this->item->pagination;
	<?php echo $this->item->text; ?>
if (!empty($this->item->pagination) AND $this->item->pagination AND $this->item->paginationposition AND!$this->item->paginationrelative):
	 echo $this->item->pagination;?>
<?php endif; ?>

	<?php if (isset($urls) AND ((!empty($urls->urls_position)  AND ($urls->urls_position=='1')) OR ( $params->get('urls_position')=='1') )): ?>

	<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('links'); ?>
	<?php endif; ?>
if (!empty($this->item->pagination) AND $this->item->pagination AND $this->item->paginationposition AND $this->item->paginationrelative):
	 echo $this->item->pagination;?>
<?php endif; ?>
	<?php echo $this->item->event->afterDisplayContent; ?>

<?php endif; ?>

Bom, tudo que vc alterar neste arquivo irá aparecer em todos os seus artigos.


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